"POPCO" Pacific Palms Organic Produce Cooperative

POPCO started as a community organic produce buying group. Organic produce is divvied up on Friday's by group members in the Pacific Palms Area. POPCO hopes to help members develop their own gardens.

What's it all about?

A community based organic produce buying group is a great way for us to purchase chemical free produce. There is also the equally important community building dimension and the potential to grow a social group of like minded people. POPCO is a not for profit buying group (a cooperative so to speak) working together to buy and distribute certified organic produce at that the best price while maintaining the highest level of quality possible.

The group supports local home grown producers and professional local produce including bee keepers, professional fishermen, cattle farms etc.

The group hosts dinner events showcasing local produce.

Related Keywords: food coop local produce supporters home grown supporters.


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